Sunday, February 27, 2011

Nadine Jansen Homepage

What will he tell us, Mr. Prime Minister on RTL 7:40 tomorrow morning?

Francois Fillon called on exceptional RTL

Following the presidential address, the Prime Minister will answer questions Monday morning Jean-Michel apathy from 7:40 am to 8am

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7 H 40 tomorrow Monday, February 28, 2010 on RTL
Add Monday, February 28:

As so often, ITV's Prime Minister Francois Fillon by Jean-Michel apathy, it will was very professional. In less than twenty minutes on RTL, many important things have been said by the Prime Minister.

an introduction, I would mention Andre Maurois: " It is not enough to be witty. It should have enough to refrain from having too much sometimes "to counteract what was said François Fillon:" I speak only when I have things to say . The latter maxim holds my attention and it should be recalled more often policies of any edge.

must restore the authority morality and honor of our domestic and foreign policy. This is not feeling the need to re-emphasize that Ms. Alliot-Marie is healthy for François Fillon and Alain Duhamel honest, even though it is ousted from government by saving his fellow minister?. Why bother to replace systematically to justice, whenever a minister commits a crime or done something stupid?.

Reassuring the firmness of the Prime Minister when he stated that this is not a debate about Islam. If it was not a debate on the renovation and adaptation of secularism, only under the law, "I would oppose it," he said. And to add, how you finance houses of worship, training French imams ...?.

François Fillon could not help but talk about a possible return of the darkest forces in the country calling for greater democracy. He is concerned about the migration in response to significant events in the countries of the Middle East.

The new cabinet reshuffle is expected to strengthen the team of the majority to discuss a draft presidential. A focus on The credibility of applicants was discussed by François Fillon!.

PS: The last wish of the Prime Minister should already be fulfilled for the cantonal elections in Maine-et-Loire and throughout France ... NO HOW! Email:


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